Thursday 2 January 2014

Meeting the Zen Master and her sidekick Pirate

We all went on a doggie playdate to meet Pirate and Sam (who turned out to be the Zen Master)...We had a little play in the yard before we checked out Pirate's awesome set-up. Love the massive windows with the Northerly aspect!

We played for a bit and then Sam took out the treats- Boy did I perform! I sat, stayed, shook hands and turned around like there was no tomorrow! Although when it was someone else's turn to perform, I sometimes siddled up against Sam in the hope of getting a treat anyway (I'd like to think that I'm thinking outside the square). 

The treats were sooooo good, even Katsu got into it! Sam saw that we loved the treats so much that she sent us home with a little bag to share :)

Then while the humans had afternoon tea, we all got some kangaroo jerky that Kobe's grandma bought for us to nibble on. Yummy yum yum....

Afterward, the Zen Master emerged... 

The idea behind Doggie Zen is: To get the treat, we must learn to give up the treat. 

She somehow got me to leave the treat there in front of me until I didn't reach for it and until she said it was ok that I ate it. Gee that was a tough one because I LOVE treats SO much!!

The Zen master also managed to do some Zen group training with Pirate and I. We had to leave the treats alone (within nibbling distance mind you!), lay down and wait until she stopped counting and pointed to the treat! Gee, that was HARD work! But I did it and I'm sure I've made mummy and daddy proud wherever they are. Kobe's mummy even has a video of it as proof!

Kobe also had a go as well with his daddy....I just watched this time.

Alas, it was time to go home. The Zen Master got me to wait at the door without whining and then she walked us all down to the front yard and said goodbye.

What a day!



  1. Wow! pretty impressive stuff guys!

  2. Sam is the Ultimate Dog Whisperer!!!! And I'm glad she got along with Pirate, arrrrrrrrr :)
