Wednesday 1 January 2014

Doggie playdate

What better way to start the new year than to go visit some doggie friends!

Today we went to Kobe's mummy's brother's house and met Narla, Max, Britney and Rocky. Max is 15 years old, partially blind and deaf. I love following him around because he smells so good!

All the humans were having some morning tea, so I thought I might try and ask them for some by seems that I need more work on the begging front since they didn't seem to be swayed :(

Then again, I got to play with Rocky's new toy that he got for Christmas which was nice.

After a lot of playing inside and in the garden with my new friends, I was tired. So, we all lay down for a short rest.....

Then it was time to go home and I had to say goodbye to my new friends. 

Until next time!


1 comment:

  1. Aww, toys, food and other dogs. She's in Moxie heaven :) Dad is on his way and he should be there Friday evening to pick her up (if she wants to leave that is haha).
